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 Beauty Review of N’pure Cica Toner skincare product. by Aisyah Nurlillah (10822051)_2MA15      Hi girls, who is here again confused or still looking for a good local product toner? Let me tell you a good local product. Speaking of toners, there are many types of local toners that are not less competitive with outside products, one of which is this N'pure Centella Asiatica face toner. Centella asiatica is known as green gotu kola leaves and its shape is like a fan.      This product is quite popular among skincare lovers, especially for those with sensitive skin or acne. Not only that, this toner can also be used for all skin types. Well, to make it clearer, see the product review as follows.        First, let's talk about the packaging. N'pure Centella Asiatica face toner is packaged in a transparent bottle measuring 150 ml. The product label is stuck directly on the bottle and without a cardboard container. The first thing that caught my attention in the bottle was the or


Unrealistic Beauty Standards of Today White Skin Equals Beautiful by Aisyah Nurlillah (10822051)_2MA15. " try if your skin is white, you must be really beautiful. " "If your skin wasn't black. There must have been many who approached. " "Try taking care of your skin. Surely your skin will be white. " Do you often hear phrases in public places or around you? Maybe some people see it as a normal thing, no need to be baper. But frankly, these statements are actually unusual, not at all ordinary. Beauty standards have become a reference for people to judge the appearance of others. In Indonesian society, there is often a view that white skin is considered the standard of beauty that women aspire to. Beauty is not only limited to skin color, but also includes many other aspects such as one's personality, behavior, and character. However, in reality, the beauty standards circulating in society have made some women lose their confidence.   image : kompas.

1MA02.Aisyah Nurlillah.T4

                                                                                                                               TUGAS 4 MATA KULIAH PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN (PP-000207)       Dibuat oleh Aisyah Nurlillah | 10822051 1MA02 Dosen pengampu :  KURNIAWAN B.PRIANTO, S.KOM.SH.MM Menganalisis Kasus Kewarganegaraan Keberangkatan 64 Pekerja Migran Ilegal ke Timur Tengah Digagalkan di Bandara Soetta Polresta Bandara Soekarno Hatta (Soetta), Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan serta Imigrasi, melakukan pencegahan keberangkatan 64 orang calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) ke Kawasan Timur Tengah dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Diduga, ke-64 orang pekerja migran ini merupakan korban dari tindak pidana perdagangan orang (TPPO) yang dilakukan oleh RBJ (57) dan komplotannya. RBJ diduga sengaja mengirimkan para calon PMI ke orang pribadi di negara tujuan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Padahal saat ini pemerintah menutup pengiriman tenaga kerja asal Indonesia ke Timur Tengah. Ancaman hukuman

1MA02.Aisyah Nurlillah.T3

TUGAS 3 MATA KULIAH PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN (PP-000207)       Dibuat oleh Aisyah Nurlillah | 10822051 1MA02 Dosen pengampu : KURNIAWAN B.PRIANTO, S.KOM.SH.MM Link :         PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KOMUNIKASI  FAKULTAS ILMU KOMUNIKASI UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA DEPOK                                                                       2023 Minggu 11 – 12 Wawasan Nusantara Sebagai Konsepsi Dan Pandangan Kolektif Kebangsaan Indonesia Dalam Konteks Pergaulan Dunia   1.            1. Konsep dan Urgensi Wawasan Nusantara Sebelumnya dikatakan bahwa wawasan nusantara merupakan wawasan nasional bangsa Indonesia. Namun, demikian timbul pertanyaan apa arti wawasan nusantara dan apa pentingnya kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara.Wawasan Nusantara bisa kita bedakan dalam dua pengertian, yakni pengertian etimologis dan pengertian terminologi.   Secara etimologi, kata wawasan nusantara berasa